Trampoline injury settlements involve many factors including the potential recovery against the manufacturer, recovery against other users who caused the injury and against those who are supposed to provide supervision to the trampoline user and were negligent.trampoline in grass

Settlement recovery may be high on trampoline injury cases since many trampoline injuries involve broken and fractured necks and backs.

Trampoline Injury Settlements are complicated

Issues in trampoline cases are quite complex such as trampoline injuries related to improper weight distribution when a smaller trampoline users gets thrown from the structure by another much heavier user.

Trampoline safety:

According to the Foundation for spinal chord injury prevention, care and cure:

  • Trampolines should not be used except when there is
    adequately trained supervision for the recreational activity.

  • Trampolines should only be used in well-lighted areas and children should never be allowed to jump onto the trampoline from high objects.

According to the

Common trampoline injuries include:

  • Broken bones

  • Concussions and other head injuries

  • Sprains/strains

  • Bruises, scrapes, and cuts

  • Head and neck injuries

According to Huffington Post

“More than 1 million people went to emergency departments for trampoline-related injuries between 2002 and 2011, with nearly 300,000 of those injuries involving broken bones, according to a new study.”

Todd Peterson, Oregon accident attorney on the telephone

Want to talk to me about your case?

I want to help you get all the money you deserve for your trampoline accident, so call me at 503-280-0888 now or please fill out this short form.

Please specify whether your accident happened in Oregon or Washington State, and give some brief details in the comments.

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